I just heard a very interesting theory about the Golden Rule, which is in almost every faith–you know, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s about loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself. This theory was that you can’t really love your neighbor if you don’t love yourself. […]
Sustainability as Your Overall Strategy: A One Minute Interview with Anastasia Kellermann of 2LEAD4US
Make Sustainability a Part of Your Overall Corporate Strategy A One Minute Interview with Anastasia Kellermann, co-founder of 2LEAD4US, a Netherlands-based consultancy and training company (part of Blanchard International Netherlands) that challenges and equips leaders to integrate sustainability strategies into their organizations. Q. Can you tell me a little bit about the research that you […]
Make Love Your Goal for the Holidays
You know, at this time of year you can really get yourself hassled. You know, running around, making sure you have every present bought and everything done and all that. And life can be a burden rather than a joy. This is supposed to be the season of joy and love, not of burden and […]
Make A Difference Day
This Saturday is “Make a Difference Day.” From their website at http://www.usaweekend.com/diffday/index.html: Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others — a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Everyone can participate. Created by USA WEEKEND Magazine, Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Saturday […]