One of the things I like to do when December rolls around is to think back about where we’ve been the past year, where we are now, and where we’re going. I do this because research has shown that reflecting on your past and how you’ve successfully dealt with challenges helps you build resilience. Taking […]
September: A Time to GROW
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I love September, because I always associate it with my days as a college professor. This was the time of year when everyone returned from summer vacation and we began again, refreshed and renewed. When we’re students, the start of the school year […]
Don’t Let Failure Stop You from Succeeding
We have all made mistakes in life, done things we regret, or had to deal with failure at one level or another. Some consequences are harder to get through than others. The big question is: how do you come back from the aftershocks of a bad performance, decision, or mistake? My good friend and coauthor […]
A Fresh Look at SMART Goals
If you are familiar with SLII®, our company’s leadership program for powering inspiring leaders, you know that effective SLII® leaders are highly skilled in the two primary areas of leadership behavior: Directive and Supportive. We define Directive leadership behaviors as “actions that shape and control what, how, and when things are done” and Supportive leadership […]
Pay the PRICE to Make Good on Your New Year’s Resolution
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? How are they working for you so far? Every year I hear people say they are having a hard time motivating themselves to put their New Year’s resolutions into place. My first question is always “How many resolutions do you have?” The answer usually goes something like this: […]
A Kick-Start for 2017
You’ve probably had your fill of articles and blogs about how New Year’s resolutions don’t work. So I want to give you a positive framework to begin the New Year. Creating your personal vision for the future is a different way to look at setting and achieving goals. A clear vision is made up of […]