Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of people engaging in what I call “ain’t it awful” conversations. Believe me, I understand that with things going on like the terror attacks around the world, the controversial Presidential campaigns in the United States, and even the weather, it is easy to slip into a negative mindset. But hand-wringing […]
First-Time Manager Challenge: Providing Feedback and Re-Direction
Today is a big day for our company—we are officially releasing our new First-time Manager program based on the essential secrets of The New One Minute Manager. It’s a great one-day program designed to address some of the key challenges people face when they step into a leadership role for the first time—including how to […]
2 Secrets to Keep on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions
In my last blog I talked about three tips to help you stay on track to achieve your New Year’s resolutions. Now that you are a few weeks into the process, you might be struggling a little bit, so let me make another suggestion. Over the years, I’ve realized that the people who have the […]
3 Tips for Achieving Your 2016 New Year’s Resolutions
I read an article recently stating that 92 percent of New Year’s resolutions are not met. I wasn’t surprised by that figure because of two very common facts: Accomplishing the goal is usually more difficult than we think it will be We rarely ask for help from others who can support us That’s why it […]
Re-Direct the Behavior, Not the Person
As a manager—or a parent, coach, or any other kind of leader—you want to get rid of bad behavior but keep the good person. To do this, you must give feedback frequently—this goes for catching people doing things right as well as noticing mistakes or poor performance. It makes no sense for a manager to […]
A Positive Approach to Re-Direction
One of the things people seem to be most interested in about The New One Minute Manager® is the modern version of the Third Secret: One Minute Re-Directs. Spencer Johnson and I realized that One Minute Reprimands worked years ago when you needed to change behavior in a command-and-control management environment, but today working side […]
Are You a Leader? Here’s How to Tell
Sometimes when I’m leading a session for a big group of managers, I’ll ask, “How many of you think of yourself as a leader?” Usually only about one-third of them raise their hands. Somehow they think the word leader is reserved for high-level positions like President or CEO. But each of us has the ability […]
Five Keys to Great Customer Service
Think of a time when you experienced really excellent service. Now compare that to a time when the service you received was just acceptable—okay, but nothing special. Which organization do you want to do business with again? I’ll bet it’s the one where someone made you feel valued and cared for—someone who understood the true importance of […]